FastStereo About

Test your eye focus skills with FastStereo, the stereogram solver game.
We recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome as it tends to have the best support for the high end technologies this web app uses.
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Progressive Web App

This is a Progressive Web App (PWA) which means it can be installed on most devices and used even when you can't connect to the internet. Look for the install button in your browser. It is usually on the URL bar as ⊕ or in the triple dot options ⋮ and look for "Install app/FastStereo".

Stereogram Generation

This web app uses WebAssembly (Wasm) technology to render the stereograms on your device in a reasonable amount of time. It uses HTML5 technologies to avoid the need for Flash which is now officially discontinued.


Contains libraries from:
Open Source Stereograph engine: Copyright (c) 2000-2003 by Fabian Januszewski (
Open Source Fortune engine: